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План-конспект урока "Spotlight 11. Module 5"

2. Речевая разминка. Постановка проблемы урока (Слайд 2) 
As we all know, life is very unpredictable. One minute you are on top of the world and another you are kicked out of your comfortable lifestyle in a split-second. 
Please, look at the title of the text and tell me what will this unit be devoted to? ("a life on the streets”) 
T: Right you are. 

3. Работа с текстом (Слайд 3) 
Ученики слушают и следят по тексту. В группах готовят 3 вопроса о том, что бы они хотели узнать из текста. Затем они говорят, нашли ли они нужную информацию. 

Проверяется понимание прослушанного текста 
4. Введение лексики и первичное ее закрепление (Таблица. Слайд 4) 
Now, let’s discuss the text using the key words. Look at the words in bold and give us their definitions one by one.
T.: Right. Next please 
T.: Correct. Tell me please, if your classmate had no place to go, would you put him up for a night? 
T.: And would you let him stay longer? 

T.: I see… The thing is that if at some point you cannot provide accommodation for your friend, he can go back home, but Jasmine has nowhere to go… 
T.: Yes, and what if her money runs out? 
T.: But it is very windy and chilly on the street in the UK. 
T.: You are right. What is a squat? 

T.: Correct. Is it always a house? 

T.: I see. And what are the conditions like? 

T.: That is true, indeed. 

T.: My dear friends, I have a question for you. Tell me please, if a person is homeless and has no money, he has no way but to become a beggar in order to survive. So you think it is really easy for them to ask for money? 
T.: Well, in a way they can. There is a special magazine for these people made by the UK government. 
T.: Not really. The Big Issue is one of the UK's leading social businesses and exists to offer homeless people, or individuals at risk of homelessness, the opportunity to earn a legitimate income, thereby helping them to reintegrate into mainstream society. 
T.: Yes. It was founded by John Bird and Gordon Roddickin in 1991. 

5. Дискуссия в группах 
T.: And now I would like you to divide into 4 groups and discuss what measures need to be taken by the government to improve social life in our country. 
6. Составление проекта (слайд 5 -опора) 
T.: Very well… In order to put all your ideas into action, I suggest that in groups you make your own program to help homeless people. Each representative of the group should be responsible for his own area

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